Friday, November 16, 2007

A late night update

I went to bed so early tonight that now I'm awake at 11:00 and decided to do a quick post while I'm waiting for Amelia's diapers to finish in the washing machine...

Yesterday when I dropped Amelia off at Daycare her eyes followed me as I left the room. It was the first time that Amelia seemed to be really interested that I was leaving her at daycare. She didn't cry or anything (thank goodness!) but she's starting to have that sense of attachment when Joe or I leave. It's so interesting to watch her grow and get more and more mature. Her smiles are just so huge now and she's getting so big!

She had been eating cereal pretty well but for the last couple of days she's been gagging when we try to feed her cereal so we're taking a little break for a few days. Even daycare has noticed a change. Hopefully we'll be able to pick it back up again this weekend.

Tonight I'm awaiting the birth of Amelia's friend Riley Elizabeth. My friend Beth is in the hospital right now after being induced this morning. She sent me a text message at 10:00 PM stating that she was 8 cm dilated and at 0 station. It will be anytime now!!

My Parents and sisters are coming into town tomorrow night for Thanksgiving. They will be here for a week. It's always fun to have them around.

Just a few more short weeks til I'm back in the East Coast!!! There have been several people that have been painting the parsonage for our arrival in the middle of December. My mom and dad have done a lot of painting. My friend Anita and her boyfriend Mark have been helping out A LOT! It's such a blessing that they are doing this for us and it makes us feel so welcomed! I can't wait to see it all! I'm NOT looking forward to the actual moving process but I'm sure we'll survive it. My father will be flying out here to help us drive back. We will be taking our friend Andy and his dog, Quincy along for the ride and will drop them off in PA.

So the plans have been laid and now it's just time to put things into action. Hopefully sometime over Christmas we'll get a chance to relax and just breathe! :-)

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